Honest and fair, even with the pricing

The system for online management of choirs and music groups

No cookies, no tracking, no third-party content.

Data protection taken seriously: German servers and contact persons.

Free Android and iOS apps for members.

Full version with all updates. For web and apps.

Full version: Calculate price

1. Select choir size

Choir size 0 Members

-- EUR per choir, per month, incl. VAT
Payment by invoice 1 year in advance. You can cancel at any time.
Members are those with active online access to the choir system.


2. Getting started

Two months free trial

What other costs arise?

Basically: None, you get the full version and all updates. We have these packages for actual additional work.

Ticket sales module

Sell tickets for your concerts online

The “Ticket sales” module is automatically integrated into the choir system, including all payment options: Cash sale, reservation, payment with PayPal (with PayPal fees).


Personal contact persons, individual contract data processing contracts.

For training courses, questions about setup, database actions (mass processing) or individual contract data processing contracts, you will have a direct line to your personal contact. The package can also be booked for the year of introduction, for example.

Storage space in the choir system

Save your files in a structured way

The choir system can store files from a free 200 MB up to 1 terabyte (TB)!
Manage your photos and all other files that are seamlessly integrated on websites, apps or synchronised locally (PC).
200 MB permanently free for testing or for a few small files,
3 GB for 2 EUR/month,
20 GB for 6 EUR/month,
1 TB, own cloud with own domain (subdomain) and own theming 15.50 EUR/month.


Own domain (desired domain) and e-mail addresses

The default address is chorsystem.de/choirname. E-mails are sent from a choir system address. With this package you can run the choir system under your own desired domain (if still available, or subdomain) and set up e-mail addresses and send e-mails from these via the choir system. We can also create your website on request. The technical implementation must be coordinated individually.

The Choir System

Development & support
dawesys GmbH Bielefeld
Imprint Data privacy Cloud Services Made in Germany

About us

dawesys GmbH
Contact person:
Svenja Siepmann
Telefon 0521/4481661-0
Book an appointment